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The Portal of Knowledge Association is a non-profit cultural Association that brings together professionals and volunteers with the aim of promoting culture, training, information and research on the following topics: mathematical and physical sciences, astronomy, economic sciences, environmental technologies , esotericism, astrology, Eastern philosophies, Buddhism, Western philosophy, history of religions and anthropology, anthroposophy and history.
The Association through the secretariat, the volunteers, the professionals, this site and all its other channels (including the Facebook group Il Portale della Conoscenza | Facebook and the Instagram page Il Portale della Conoscenza (@ilportaledellaconoscenza_aps)) support its members in the path of personal growth through coaching and mindfulness sessions and specific training courses.
The Association is also close to young people with projects to support study, kind communication and conscious reading.
If you also share our values, become a member.
Annual fee: 25,00 Euro
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